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Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting and Call for Nominations of Directors

The 2023/24 Annual General Meeting (2024 AGM) for Women Sport Australia Inc. (WSA) will be held on Wednesday 2nd October, 2024, commencing at 7.00pm, Australian Daylight Savings Time.

Director Positions
The Board (which is the management committee) of WSA can comprise up to 8 directors (who are the management committee members) elected by the members of WSA and up to three independent directors appointed by the Board.

Three positions are available for election by the members at the 2024 AGM. All candidates must be a current member of WSA pursuant to Rule 4 of the WSA Constitution. Please note, the WSA Board is a hands-on operational Board and directors are expected to commit at least 20 hours per month on WSA business, including attending (in person or via webinar) a board meeting every 6 weeks. Directors will be asked to also participate in one or more portfolio responsibilities. Nominations must be in the attached form and accompanied by a brief (no more than one page) biography of the skills and experience of the nominating candidate. To complement the existing skill set within the Board, skills are sought in the areas of finance; human resources; marketing, media & public relations, and lobbying and advocacy. Nominees will also have experience in the Australian Sports industry and access to a wide network of contacts. We would also welcome applications outside Victoria.


Nominations must be received by the Nominations Committee Chair by email to by 5.00pm, Wednesday 14th August 2024.
If more than the required nominations for directors are received, a ballot will be conducted. Only current WSA members may nominate and second candidates and attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting. If you need assistance with identifying a nominator or seconder, please contact the WSA Nominations Committee Chair Iain Roy.

For more information about the AGM, please contact:
WSA Secretary: Tamatha Harding at
For more information about the Director position, please contact:
WSA Nominations Committee Chair: Iain Roy at

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